What People Are Saying..
Successful people from many walks of life have used Gratitude 24X7 for years as fuel for their mind and well being.
I wake up every day to my gratitude message for the day. I love it ! It’s always what I need to hear. Beautiful and positive
It takes discipline to stay in gratitude , even when things are not going our way. It’s a reminder that every thing that happens is here to serve us. Thank you Jarl and Steve for always keeping me accountable and real. Peace love
-Rosanna Arquette
My wife, Kay, and I have been avid readers of the daily blog of Jarl Forsman and Steve Sekhon for many years now. We find it not just insightful but it stimulates ideas surrounding personal daily life experiences. While everyone’s’ views may differ given their circumstances, gratitude twenty-four seven daily messages are inspiring. We highly recommend this read for people of all ages and all walks of life.
-Robert W. Hendry, Former CEO, GM Europe
All disciplines, psychological and spiritual, know the key to real change is repetition, repetition, repetition. I have been reading Steve Sekhon and Jarl Forman’s daily meditations every day now for five years. I cannot think of any more uplifting and transformative experience than to have regular and repetitive access to the work of these truly advanced practitioners right at my finger tips.
Bryant L. Welch, J.D. Ph.D. ABPP, Author and Nationally Prominent Psychologist