A Daily Dose of Mindfulness
The Vibe delivers inspirational messaging and guidance from leaders in mindfulness and spirituality using a technique which activates lasting personal transformation.
Guidance, Contemplation, Integration
The Vibe uses special ‘light touch’ messaging to guide you, invoke contemplation and integrate mindfulness principles into your daily life. It’s fun, thought provoking and rewarding.
Raise Your Vibration
Each of us vibrates at a particular frequency. The higher the frequency, the lighter you feel, the more connected you are to others and the universe. Use the Vibe to raise your vibration and enjoy a more vibrant, joyful and fulfilling life.
What people are saying…
Some of the most successful people in their respective professions have found power in the amazing perspective and mindfulness provided by Vibe founders, Gratitude Twenty-Four-Seven and The Vibe app.
We find [these perspectives] are not just insightful but that they stimulate ideas surrounding personal daily life experiences.
I cannot think of any more uplifting and transformative experience than to have regular and repetitive access to the work of these truly advanced practitioners.
I wake up every day to my gratitude message for the day. I love it ! It’s always what I need to hear.
The Vibe is full of nourishing gems that will open your heart and energize your life. With delightful brevity, these insightful reminders encourage you to live more in-the-moment and find your authentic self.